Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Cartoon World



What about cartoons? If I had the power, I would become a cartoon myself. Cartoon world is inhabited by people other artists as well as myself envisaged. I pray that cartoons should exist. They are beautiful, and their world is the best place where everything is purity and innocent. Good triumphs in every case and bad guys turn into good.


How is cartoon land? It is a beautiful land. I was fascinated by the scenery, which was pristine and without corruption. Cartoons is a land of purity with the best people where good triumphs. The best place I can envisage is cartoon world. I’d gladly be incarnate as a cartoon if I had the power because I loved what I saw in the cartoons.


What outcome did you write? Perfection comes; creation sees the light. Humanity is enlightened by Ninshu, there is proper distribution of resources for all, Pleroma fills every heart, man has intimacy with Agape and loved ones. Orion comes. I have envisaged every good scenario imaginable and included it in cartoon world. Creation enjoys the liberty of the sons of God. This is how I want earth to be, cartoon world.


What is God’s ultimate? I cannot even conceive God’s ultimate – the supernal. Unprecedented, unparalleled, beauty, purity, intimacy, the liberty, the joy, the profusion, the immensity, the sensations, the pleasures, the glory – he made us to show us the extent of his kindness in Christ.


What’s your dream? I create a perfect world where cartoons exist. I would become a cartoon myself. If being incarnate, I could make cartoons humans, and cartoons would find happiness through intimacy with me, only possible when cartoons have the human nature, I will do it to commune with cartoons as equals, man to man.


What if cartoons are deceived? If they think because I created them, they must obey some commandments, I’d be sad because I love them as they are. Though they might do things I don’t like, like hurt fellow cartoons whom I also love, I’d be sad yet I will still love them. If they rebelled because of something I know is wrong, but are deceived into thinking is right, I would be sad that their vision is flawed.


What would the writer do? Incarnate as a cartoon and correct what went wrong and transmit my knowledge. I don’t despise them because they are my image, only they’re deceived. I would transmit my enlightenment for them to see that what they are doing thinking is right, isn’t. Not that I impose on them for that would suppress their personality. I want to enjoy them in their distinctiveness. I will communicate my worldview and see them attain realisation from within not me imposing it on them. How could we be friends if they feared me, and we didn’t commune freely together?


What do you desire the most? The personality, peculiarity and character of each without these distinctiveness hurting them or their fellows. When we deal with each other as equals, then we can benefit from each other’s uniqueness. I’d be sad if they can’t discern truth, but I won’t cast them out.


What’s the worst thing? If cartoons turn away from me thinking I am mad at them since they don’t do what they suppose I like. Though they might be deceived, I can’t stop loving them. I became a cartoon myself and abolished whatever made them miserable to show I loved them so much I created them to be one with them, that they share in the beauty of the human nature, which I gave them when I became a cartoon. What I want the most is that they be happy, and express themselves freely with me for their friendship is what I am seeking, and I can’t have it if they fear me or are my puppets.


What would Jesus do; let his creation go to ruin? He will save each and every one of them from the suffering of their own making. He loves them, and what he desires the most is intimacy, and he will do whatever it takes to fulfil his dream. He will justify the ungodly and have mercy on the image of which he is the substance for in saving us, he is saving his image.


What is the power of Christ? He saves all because he created all. Though we didn’t know the form of his salvation, though we didn’t expect this manner and time of his grace, though shocked by his frailty, though offended by his generosity, we saw the goodness of God who will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Like a child, we fall on our knees and say, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

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