Saturday, December 30, 2017


Zach, Ryan, Alan et Noah se sont embarqués dans un voyage risqué à bord de la navette RM XIX qui a quitté la Terre et leur ville natale Aven pour l'espace. Ils étaient heureux de vivre l'un de leurs plus grands rêves lorsqu’ils se trouvèrent hors du champ de force gravitationnelle de la Terre. Mais un accident est survenu sur le chemin et ils furent propulsés hors de la navette à l'espace extra-atmosphérique. Ils étaient surnaturellement transportés dans un monde où ils rencontrèrent Denver, le dernier dinosaure et ses compagnons, Wally, Shades, Jeremy et Mario. Ceux-ci vivaient dans une ville appelée Nootra.

Après avoir accepté de les aider, Denver et ses amis étaient dans une impasse. Ils ne savaient pas comment faire entrer les Terriens dans la ville sans qu'une certaine chauve-souris ne les démasque en tant que extra-Nootrans. Wally suggéra que les Terriens se déguisent en quatre footballeurs adolescents de Nootra. Noah fut ainsi déguisée en Benjamin, Zach en Cesare, Alan en Yann et Ryan en Papan.

Les quatre Terriens avec Denver, Mario, Wally, Shades et Jeremy avancèrent vers les portes ouest de Nootra. Comme ils s’approchaient, ils aperçurent l'ombre du Chevalier Noir qui, étonnamment, gardait la ville pendant la journée. Les Terriens ne pouvaient pas contenir leur joie en voyant Batman de loin. Il avait l'air calme, sérieux et méditatif.
Zach: "Donc, la chauve-souris à laquelle vous faisiez allusion était en effet Batman. Les gars, c'est vraiment le monde des dessins animés ici."
Ryan: "Si seulement ses concepteurs pouvaient voir ça! Ils ne savaient pas qu'ils donnaient vie à quelqu'un lorsqu’ils l'ont conçu."
Noah: "Il est grand et robuste. Le vrai Batman est encore plus impérial qu'on ne l'a présenté sur Terre."
Alan: "Il semble avoir toujours ce défaut. J'avais espéré qu'il serait moins sinistre dans un autre monde."
Ryan: "Toujours aussi froid et distant comme on le connaît."
Zach: "Pas comme on le connaît, Ryan. Que fait-il ici en plein jour et à la vue de tous? Batman n'apparaît que la nuit comme le font toutes les chauves-souris."

Wally: "Hé, le Chevalier Noir fait beaucoup d'efforts là. Il essaye de gagner la confiance des gens. Beaucoup doutaient de lui à cause de ses manières dont certains appellent bizarres. Il a choisi de travailler pendant la journée pour se socialiser avec les citoyens. Les gens peuvent maintenant lui parler sans crainte."

Jeremy: "Il aura besoin du temps pour s'habituer à cette nouvelle vie. Il reste encore mystérieux pour beaucoup même s’il fait de son mieux pour rendre service à tout le monde."
Alan: "J’en sais quelque chose. Je peux ressentir une froideur venant de lui, même à cette distance. Si j'avais l’occasion, je lui dirais une ou deux choses qui effaceront ce regard fier de son visage. Ce mec pense savoir tout et ne veut pas s’associer avec ses amis."

Shades: "Calme-toi, mec. Que y a-t-il? Pourquoi es-tu si agité à cause de lui?"
Mario: "Hahaha. Comme l'autre grand gaillard, toi aussi tu as un compte à régler avec lui, n'est-ce pas?"
Zach: "Batman est l’un des préférés d'Alan, mais il ne supporte pas ses manières."
Alan: "Zach, premièrement, il n'est pas mon préféré et de deux, tu n'avais pas à dire cela devant tout le monde."
Mario: "Maintenant nous sommes proches. Ne le regardez pas."

Noah: "Je rencontre Batman et tu me dis de ne pas le regarder? Im-pos-si-ble."
Jeremy: "Essayez de vous comporter comme les personnes que vous portez. Certaines n'ont rien de ce qu’on appellerait tendre en elles. Si vous agissez autrement, Batman vous démasquera et vous serez arrêtés."
Shades: "Beau travail, Jeremy. De toutes les personnes à Nootra, il a fallu que tu choisisses les images de ces mecs impétueux pour camoufler les aliens."

Jeremy: "C'est parce qu'ils sont les seuls en dehors de la ville à cette heure. Ces gars ont la même forme et taille qu’eux. Je voulais faire quelque chose de convaincant, pas juste n'importe quoi que le Chevalier Noir remarquerait de loin. Rappelez-vous qu’il est aussi un détective."
Wally: "Ça va marcher, Shades. Terriens, essayez juste d'être normaux si vous ne pouvez pas imiter les joueurs. Je pense qu'il n'y aura pas de souci puisque Batman non plus ne veut pas de conflit avec les citoyens."

Batman était debout au-dessus des portes avec les bras croisés et il regarda les neuf enfants s'approcher. Fixant les yeux sur eux, il agita une main et les salua de loin. Il ouvrit les portes et leva ses yeux blancs vers le ciel. Il admirait quelques oiseaux qui s'étaient d'abord posés sur ses épaules et s’étaient ensuite envolés quand il a bougé.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: INFILTRATION: BROLY IN NOOTRA: On experiencing the horrible pain of rejection, Broly and Galactus moved away from the premises of planet Nootra. The Saiyan was coming to t...

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Jeremy: "Vous connaissez mon nom? Votre histoire me déconcerte. Eh bien, Wally; ils sont dans un pétrin."
Wally: "Puisqu'ils ne savent pas comment retourner dans leur monde, ils pourront rester avec nous le temps qu’on trouve une solution."
Mario: "Où voulez-vous les garder, les cerveaux? Certainement pas dans ta maison, Wally! Tu as déjà du mal à garder Denver; comment vas-tu gérer ces quatre? Et si tes parents les voient et découvrent par la même occasion que Denver vit encore chez eux? Tous nos efforts pour cacher cela n’auront servi à rien. Notre dinosaure nous sera enlevé et sera exposé à la réserve naturelle du Sud. C'est le pire des scénarios possibles. C’est trop cauchemardesque à imaginer. Noooooon."

Wally: "Réveille toi, Mario; tu sais très bien qu'aucun de ce que tu viens de décrire n’arrivera. Entrons d'abord dans la ville et ensuite nous verrons quoi faire."
Jeremy: "Bienvenues à Nootra, Alan, Noah, Zach, Ryan. Ici sont les périphéries du Côté Ouest de notre ville. On n'a jamais entendu parler de la planète dont vous avez mentionné mais on serait ravi de connaître votre monde. Ne vous en faites pas; beaucoup ont étudié l'espace et la téléportation dans notre ville. Si vous êtes chanceux, ils vous aideront à rentrer chez vous. C’est vrai que vous êtes étranges. On n'a jamais vu des gens comme vous auparavant alors qu’il existe de nombreuses races dans cette galaxie."
Shades: "Hé, les cerveaux; comment allez-vous faire entrer ces extra-Nootrans dans la ville? Rappelez-vous les événements récents. La chauve-souris garde les portes jour et nuit, même s’il prétend le faire uniquement le jour. Il ne laissera entrer aucun étranger."
Mario: "Pourquoi s’inquiéter, Shades; Super Mario a la solution à tout problème. Disons au grand gaillard qu'ils sont les enfants de nos ancêtres qui se sont perdus dans les bois il y a longtemps, comme le dit la légende."
Jeremy: "Cela ne marchera pas, Mario; du moins pas sur la chauve-souris. Et légende veut dire une histoire qui ne s'est jamais produite exactement comme on la raconte."

Wally: "J'ai une idée, même si ça pourrait sembler malhonnête dans un sens. Nos champions de football sont hors de la ville pour leur entraînement. Pourquoi ne pas déguiser ces gars comme eux?"
Jeremy: "Brillant, Wally. Je pense pouvoir le faire. J'ai besoin des outils du super sac de Casey et je les camouflerai comme un pro."
Jeremy s’est mis au travail et ses compagnons l'ont aidé. Le tour était joué après deux heures de chirurgie plastique de haute technologie. Ryan fut transformé en Papan, Noah en Benjamin, Zach en Cesare et Alan en Yann. Les quatre Terriens étaient exactement comme Papan, Benjamin, Cesare et Yann.

Alan: "Incroyable! Comment avez-vous fait cela?"
Shades: "Jeremy est le cerveau ici; il peut tout faire. Pas comme ce peureux qui se dit s’appeler super."
Mario: "Je crois avoir entendu Shades parler de lui-même."
Batman se tenait debout sur les portes de la ville et il salua les enfants comme ils s'approchaient de la métropole.

Monday, December 18, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE COUNCIL OF HEROES VI: Jean Grey: “Cap, you’re choosing for us.” The Council unanimously agreed to let Captain Nootra, their ancestral figure, decide for them. H...

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Denver, le Dernier Dinosaure, et ses amis jouaient dans les champs. Ils ont perdu leur ballon et Denver est allé le chercher. Il trouva quatre enfants étranges couchés de l'autre côté des champs. Il était terrifié au début car c'était la première fois qu'il voyait de telles gens. Il s'approcha et regardant de près, il remarqua qu'ils étaient inconscients. Il alla au ruisseau à proximité, porta de l'eau dans sa bouche et éclaboussa leurs visages avec. Les quatre Terriens se sont réveillés et étaient étonnés de voir Denver debout devant eux.

Alan: "Waouh! Est-ce ton rêve, Noah? Fascinant! Denver semble presque réel."
Ryan: "Pourquoi sommes-nous tous dans ton rêve?"
Zach: "Nous devrions peut-être fermer les yeux et tout reviendra à la normale lorsque nous les rouvrirons à nouveau."
Zach et Alan fermèrent les yeux forts afin de vérifier s'ils rêvaient ou pas. Mais Noah ne les laissa pas gâcher cette rencontre miraculeuse.

Noah: "Les gars, nos rêves se sont réalisés. Rappelez-vous de la lumière éblouissante, flotter dans l'espace, notre espoir et la certitude du résultat? C'est vraiment Denver, le dernier dinosaure."
Denver lui, s’était reculé et il s'est caché derrière un arbre à cause de l'attitude étrange des Terriens. Noah mit de côté toute peur car elle voulait ce qu'elle voyait. Elle marcha avec confiance vers le dinosaure vert et salua.
Noah: "Bonjour Denver. Je suis Noah et je voudrais être ton amie. Mes compagnons sont Ryan, Zach et Alan. Nous venons de la Terre et sommes ravis de te rencontrer."
Noah montra sa main et Denver, un peu méfiant au d'abord, l’a ensuite prise dans ses bras et l'a embrassée.
Noah: "Venez les gars. Qu’est-ce que vous attendez?"
Les autres se sont émerveillés de ce qui apparaissait comme leur traversée vers une réalité différente.
Alan: "Hé, Noah a raison. Il a réalisé notre rêve. Je pense que nous sommes entrés dans une autre dimension."
Zach: "Dans la dimension de Noah, tu veux dire. Je ne savais pas qu'elle aimait ce dinosaure tellement qu'Il lui accorderait ce souhait."

Alan: "C'est énorme. C'est Denver tel qu’on le connaît dans le dessin animé. Les autres ne nous croiront pas quand on leur dira ceci."
Ryan: "Nous quatre l'avons vu et c’est assez pour que le monde entier croie."
Zach: "Regardez-le jouer avec Noah. Il est amical comme dans l’animé."
Alan: "J'ai rencontré un dinosaure comme je l'ai toujours souhaité et c’est Denver le dinosaure d’animé en plus. Gigantesque! C'est ce que je voulais dire."
Ils sont tous venus à Denver et il les a portés à tour de rôle, léchant chacun d'eux comme il a l’habitude de le faire. Après ces salutations affectueuses, Denver leur parla avec des gestes et des mots difficiles à saisir et ils comprirent qu'il voulait qu'ils le suivent. Ils firent de même et Denver les emmena à ses compagnons: Mario, Wally, Shades et Jeremy.
Ryan: "Eh bien, qu'est-ce que vous savez? On pourrait aussi croiser des gens qu’on n’a jamais aimés dans la série."

Les compagnons de Denver, Mario et Shades, n'étaient pas fans des nouveaux amis de leur dinosaure non plus. Ils ont marché directement vers Denver et l'ont mis sous interrogatoire.
Mario: "Qui sont ces clowns?"
Shades: "Et d'où viennent-ils?"
Mario: "Et nous voulons des réponses claires. Pas de bouffonneries."

Denver présenta les Terriens à ses compagnons et essaya de leur faire comprendre que ses nouveaux amis allaient rester avec eux.
Mario: "Tu délires, j’espère? Nous ne possédons pas encore notre villa pour abriter ces étrangers. Mais ce n'est même pas là la question. La question c’est, je n'aime pas leur têtes et ils ne viendront certainement pas avec nous. Fin du débat."
Shades: "Oui. Point finale, conclusion et scellement. On n’y reviendra pas dessus."

L'attitude de Mario et Shades surprit les Terriens. Ces deux avaient l'air moins sociable qu'ils ne les connaissaient. Les Terriens ont essayé d'expliquer leur situation davantage, espérant que ces deux changeront d’avis mais Mario et Shades ne voulurent rien attendre. Ils ont maintenu leur position jusqu'à ce que Denver s’est fâché. Il ne voulait pas laisser Noah partir. Ainsi éclata la dispute entre le dinosaure vert et ses deux amis. Alors Zach prit la parole.

Zach: "Nous ne voudrions pas vous déranger non plus mais nous n'avons pas le choix. Nous venons d'Aven de la planète Terre et c’est l’Agape qui nous a amenés ici. Nous voyagions dans l'espace lorsqu'une lumière a brillé et nous a couverts. Puis nous nous sommes réveillés dans cet endroit. Nous ne savons pas si c'est une autre partie de la Terre ou une autre planète complètement. S'il vous plaît, laissez-nous venir avec vous et voir comment faire pour pouvoir rentrer chez nous. Qu’en dis-tu, Jeremy?"
Jeremy: "Vous connaissez mon nom? Votre histoire me déconcerte. Eh bien, Wally; ils sont dans un pétrin."

Monday, December 11, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE COUNCIL OF HEROES V: Son Goku had drifted further away from the rest and he wasn’t taken under the influence of the shield. He stood there aloof and wouldn’t rem...

Friday, December 8, 2017


Dans la ville d'Aven vivaient quatre adolescents qui étaient les meilleurs amis du monde. Ils étaient exceptionnels en raison de leurs rêves extravagants. La passion d’Alan était les étoiles et les voyages dans l’espace, Noah voulait rencontrer ses super-héros, Zach souhaitait défier l'homme le plus fort du monde et Ryan voulait voir l'Agape face à face.

Les enfants des temps modernes, ils étaient doués lorsqu’il s’agissait de la hi-tech, la science-fiction, l'espace, les arts martiaux, les bandes dessinées et dessins animés. Ils passèrent leur temps, utilisèrent leurs talents et dépensèrent leurs économies sur ces choses, ce qui voulait dire ne pas manger à l'école. Ils vivaient dans le même quartier, fréquentaient la même école et se trouvaient partout ensemble. Ils se réunissaient la nuit sur le toit de la maison d'Alan pour parler d'aventures fantastiques. En regardant les étoiles, ils croyaient fermement et attendirent patiemment la réalisation de leurs rêves.

Un vaisseau spatial, RM XIX, devait être lancé à partir de leur ville. Comme ces quatre amis en parlèrent chaque jour, Noah eut une idée. Elle suggéra qu’ils se faufilent dans le navire et de s'y cacher jusqu'à ce qu'il soit lancé. Ils se sont tous mis d'accord, car c'était leur unique chance d'atteindre l'espace. Ils ont commencé à recueillir des informations sur RM XIX et la base d'astronomie. Ils ont emballé leurs affaires et se sont préparés pour le voyage. Le père d'Alan travaillait au centre d'astronomie alors il a pris quatre bouteilles d'air de là. Noah apporta des provisions tandis que Zach et Ryan ont monté un plan.

Vêtus de combinaisons spatiales, ces enfants ont furtivement pénétré dans la base d'astronomie et ils sont entrés dans le vaisseau spatial quelques heures avant le lancement. Aucune porte ne résista à l’ingénieux Ryan. C’est ainsi que les quatre amis se retrouvèrent dans le troisième compartiment du vaisseau spatial au compte à rebours. Pleins d'expectatives, ils attendirent silencieusement l’heure H. Puis RM XIX décolla et les enfants se dirigèrent vers l'espace.
Ils étaient tranquillement assis dans le troisième compartiment jusqu'à ce que le navire s'éloigne de l'atmosphère terrestre et devienne stable dans l'espace extra-atmosphérique. Après quelques minutes d'anticipation, les enfants se sont levés et ont regardé par la fenêtre transparente. C’est là où ils ont vu tout le tableau. Alan, Noah, Ryan et Zach ont exulté en regardant en admiration le mystère de l'espace. Et quelle merveille c'était!

Ils ont commis une erreur néanmoins. Ils ne se sont pas renseignés sur les étapes du trajet de la navette. La mission de RM XIX était de fournir à la station spatiale VEX M21 des matériaux de construction. Elle n’avait pas à suivre un cours direct. Elle devait faire un détour en chemin, se dirigeant d'abord vers Jupiter et ensuite, revenir à la station spatiale. Ce que nos amis ne savaient pas c'est que le compartiment dans lequel ils se trouvaient serait coupé pendant le détour.

En effet, près de Jupiter, le petit compartiment fut déconnecté du navire principal et dériva seul dans l'espace inconnu. En réalisant ceci, les enfants ont paniqué et craignirent que tout était perdu. Mais Ryan rassura ses amis et ils étaient prêts à affronter courageusement leur situation.
Noah: "Au moins, on a vu l'espace et on s’était tous mis d’accord d'accepter les conséquences de notre action."
Alan: "C'est épique! Nous vivons actuellement notre rêve. Je ne sais pas pour vous mais ceci est la meilleure fin pour moi. Je suis arrivé là où j'ai toujours voulu."

Zach: "Ne parle pas de fin alors que nous n’en sommes qu'au commencement. Je sens que quelque chose d’encore plus grand nous arrivera."
Ryan: "On regarde toujours le ciel quand on Le bénis. C'est maintenant ou jamais, les gars. Mettons notre foi en œuvre."
Noah: "Le dire c'est facile, mais comment le faire?"
Ryan: "En imaginant et en déclarant ce que nous voulons qui nous arrive et en étant certains du résultat. On a besoin uniquement de la foi seule en Lui seul."

Alan: "Je savais que ce voyage allait être extraordinaire. Je suis prêt, alors commençons."
Les enfants ont mis leurs casques, se sont tenu les mains et ont fermé les yeux en ayant une confiance totale. Pendant qu'ils communiaient, un petit météore est venu tout droit à grande vitesse et a cogné la capsule avec force. L'impact fut si grand qu’il brisa la capsule, projetant les enfants dans l'espace extra-atmosphérique. Ils se sont débrouillés à se tenir les mains à nouveau, formant ainsi un cercle dans l'espace.

Ils se souriaient grandement car ils vivaient à cet instant ce dont ils avaient l’habitude de parler chaque soir: flotter dans l'espace. Comme ils restèrent dans cette position, savourant l'exceptionnalité du moment, une lueur brilla à une distance et se déplaça progressivement dans leur direction. Ils sont restés calmes et se sont tenu chaudement les mains en regardant la luminosité qui s’approchait. Elle les a finalement atteintes et les a submergés, les entraînant dans le néant.

La sensation désagréable de l'eau éclaboussée sur le visage d'un dormeur les réveilla hors du coma. En se levant, ils ont remarqué que leurs combinaisons spatiales avaient disparu et ils étaient dans leurs vêtements normaux. Ils ont regardé autour et ils se sont retrouvés dans un champ, beau et espacé avec des paysages magnifiques en arrière-plan. Ils savaient que ce n'était pas la Terre mais quelque chose semblait encore familier. Ils furent stupéfiés lorsqu’ils se retournèrent et identifièrent celui qui se trouvait derrière eux comme en effet….

Monday, November 13, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE COUNCIL OF HEROES II: In all of the campaigns of the Supreme Fighter, his elder brother Abel, and his younger sister and commander of his army Enam, accompanied h...

Monday, November 6, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE COUNCIL OF HEROES: This happened two years after Nootra’s forces eliminated the threat of Legendary Super Saiyan Broly. Galaxy Brave was not ready for what wa...

Sunday, October 15, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: TRUE BELIEVERS IV: After being to their respective homes, the children came together one starry night at Alan’s place. Alan was lying on the roof of his house ...

Sunday, October 8, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: TRUE BELIEVERS II: Noah: “It’s because we were never here but in Nootra, home planet of cartoons.” Alan’s Father: “Children, you can’t get away with that stor...

Sunday, September 10, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: YOU ARE OUR FRIENDS V: As the crew travelled in space aboard Skyfire, an incoming meteor approached them at high speed. Skyfire brushed past it and scratched himse...

Sunday, September 3, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: YOU ARE OUR FRIENDS IV: Zach: “You mean Naruto is Hokage? That’s news.” Mario: “That guy is no more intelligent than me. He brings the proud renegade back and they...

Sunday, August 13, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: YOU ARE OUR FRIENDS II: Cesare grinned broadly at Zach, and he called Yann and they went off. After Benjamin and his companions left Headquarters, the four Earthlin...

Friday, August 4, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: YOU ARE OUR FRIENDS: Two days after celebrating their victory over enemy forces, some Nootrans were going to Cybertron for an official ceremony. Alan, Noah, Zach...

Sunday, July 30, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE ANSWER TO RYAN'S QUEST IV: Ryan: “But Superman, how do you stop oppressors and catastrophes?” Rahan: “Child, I think we discussed this. Believe the best for all thos...

Thursday, July 13, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE ANSWER TO RYAN'S QUEST III: Everyone left what they were doing, turned towards him, and paid attention to what was raised. Citizens and superheroes came closer to hear ...

Thursday, July 6, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE ANSWER TO RYAN'S QUEST II: Son Goku and Zach continued on their way, leaving Piccolo and Charles Xavier behind. It was another atmosphere elsewhere. Noah was having a ...

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: THE ANSWER TO RYAN'S QUEST: It was a happy holiday in Nootra. The people were celebrating their victory over the forces of evil that threatened their world. Festivities...

Friday, June 2, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: DELIGHTFUL EXCHANGES III: Alan hit Batman’s fist and this one offered the child his super com. Batman: “Have this kid. It’s a special tech originating from Mr. Fanta...

Monday, May 8, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: DELIGHTFUL EXCHANGES II: Mario: “Well, well; Batman is appreciative and intends to apologize but hasn’t done so yet; that’s rare. Still, I’m not convinced of his sin...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: 18. DELIGHTFUL EXCHANGES: It was a memorable day for Nootra and the galaxy. Their forces triumphed over the menace that had threatened them. The people came together ...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: BEING A HERO III: This extracted a loud laugh from all of them. Meanwhile, Alan was exploring the galaxy with the Silver Surfer. Sitting on the board of this ...

Monday, April 10, 2017


Ryan: “Earth calls you superheroes because in our illustrations, you’re depicted as beings with supernatural abilities, which we don’t have. And you use your superhuman strength to rescue people in danger.”

Tenshinhan: “You don’t need supernatural strength to rescue people. Nootra is unique with its supernatural abilities; that’s certain. Yet what about people who don’t have them? I think every planet should adapt to their situation and bring out the best in them to the world.”

Yamcha: “Being a hero is simply being at the service of people. You don’t need super powers for that. Anyone can be a hero if they have a heart to serve others.”
Piccolo: “Man is never contented with what is within reach. He always sees something lacking and thinks that’s what will make him happy. I have a message for planet Earth. When you get back home, tell your people, especially my fans, to stop looking for superheroes without but to find the hero within them.”

Tenshinhan: “This is what we do in Nootra. Not all of us have super powers. There are citizens without super powers and citizens with super powers. Yet all of us are heroes because we rescue one another, like today. We’re all responsible for Goku’s victory since we all contributed to it. Anytime you offer the least help to someone, you make them feel better, and that makes you a hero.”
Chaozu: “Tenshinhan is right.”

Dende: “You’re a hero Zach. You’re brave and courageous; and your speech was uplifting. It strengthened all of us and motivated even the least willing among us to unite and win as one. It’s like the entire universe heard you and approved what you said.”
Zach scratched his head for that compliment made to him in the presence of everybody disturbed him. He wasn’t used to being praised so he answered timidly.

Zach: “Well, I just said anything. I’m not good at talking before people, you know.”
Son Goku: “Zach, that speech gave me the courage to rise and fight for my friends. I don’t know if I would have done so without your faith. Those inspired utterances revived all of us. They couldn’t be mere words; I think they were spirits, which infilled us. They activated our faith and gave us the strength to still believe, irrespective of what our eyes saw.

‘Never forget this children: whatever word of love, of faith you offer people, you stir hope in them and this keeps them confident, and eventually changes their situation and saves them. That’s what being a hero is all about. Zach, if it were not for your words, the galaxy might be lost by now. Not everybody possesses the powers I have; but power is vain in itself. I have superhuman strength yet the faith of my friends and their trust in me determine my victory. You may call me your hero but to me, it’s all of you my heroes. I believe in destiny and now I know you came to this dimension to prevent the destruction of our world. Zach, you’re a true superhero.”
Son Goku stood up, walked up to Zach and offered his hand.

Son Goku: “Thank you Zachary. As of this day, you’re my friend. And you, standing as their representative, so are the people of Earth.”
Zach took his hand and they pressed each other’s hands warmly.
Zach: “The pleasure is mine Mr. Goku. I’m happy to have assisted you. I’m proud to be your friend and I know many are on Earth. There’s something I desire from you.”
Son Goku: “Anything buddy.”

Zach: “I want to challenge you to a duel.”
Dende: “Are you sure about that Zach? Do you think you can beat Son Goku?”
Zach: “Once I stop believing, I stop progressing. I came here to challenge the strongest man in my universe. Broly has skill, energy and power, but I don’t believe he’s the strongest because these elements have no value, as Son Goku said. It’s only when you use them to serve people that you become truly powerful, thereby giving meaning to these assets. They exist to serve man, otherwise they’re useless.”

Son Goku: “Well Zach, you don’t cease to impress me. I like the spirit animating you. No doubt superheroes are on Earth.”
Zach: “So what’s your response Sir?”
Son Goku: “Duel accepted. I’d be delighted to see what the Earth is made of. And if you’re good, I’ll stop there one day and challenge some of your fighters.”

Zach and the Earthlings were on top of the world because of this momentous exchange with Son Goku the Saiyan. When Son Goku finished with the Earthlings, he turned to his sons. He stroked the hair of Goten as he talked with them.
Son Goku: “Gohan, Goten, I’m proud of you. You do well when you fight for your friends and the universe like you did today.”
Gohan: “You taught us to do so dad.”

Goten: “We’re proud to have a father like you. You’re the best dad in the whole world.”
Son Goku: “If only that was true my champion. I haven’t always been there for you two. I’ve been busy fighting for the galaxy and have neglected my duties as a father. I can never be grateful enough to your mother for bringing you up alone. What would I do without my hero? She gave me adorable children like you Gohan, and you my clone. Come closer sons.”

Son Goku hugged his sons and promised them something.
Son Goku: “When I recover from these wounds, we’ll spend a lot of time together, and I will train you and your new friends. I can feel a lot of energy in the two of them.”
Those remarks Son Goku made about them elated Ryan and Zach. They knocked their chests against each other and jumped up and down in anticipation. Trunks, Goten and Noah joined them in celebration.
Yamcha: “Goku, here’s a Senzu Bean for you.”

Son Goku: “Thanks pal. You and Puar did a great job. Chaozu, you too were fantastic. Everybody did wonderfully well. It’s unfortunate Krilin isn’t here. I’d like all of my companions to surround me after a battle like this.”
Gohan: “Krilin remained in the city to protect it against our enemies who eventually turned out our allies.”
Tenshinhan: “Goku, maybe you should start training the kids now that you’ve recovered.”

This extracted a loud laugh from all of them. Meanwhile, Alan was exploring the galaxy with the Silver Surfer. Sitting on the board of this one, the young Earthling and his rider crossed many planets until they came to some remotest parts of the galaxy.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


There was jubilation in Nootra and Cybertron when Son Goku defeated Broly in the Battle of Agnam. Son Goku emerged victorious thanks to the people, animals, vegetation, objects and elements of his world. Galactus interfered in the battle and prevented Nootra’s champion from exterminating Broly. He swallowed the Legendary Super Saiyan and vowed not to threaten Cybertron if Broly was allowed to live in him and satisfy his hunger for energy. Son Goku was overtaken but he couldn’t stop the cosmic entity from recruiting his new herald who was an inexhaustible energy reserve in himself. Galactus left with Broly and this marked the end of the many combats fought on Agnam. Nootra, Cybertron and the galaxy had overcome so heroes and citizens celebrated with great joy.

Villains and heroes having fought alongside, it was time for the allies to congratulate one another and settle other matters.
Optimus Prime: “That was a good safe Megatron; though on considering, you’re the one who started all this. Still, this battle will be a landmark in our civilization. Friends and foes fought side by side and triumphed.”
Megatron: “Optimus, I never thought I could resort to such a thing like the one that just happened but when you’re a robot, there’s possibility you’ll witness strange occurrences in this world.”
Optimus Prime: “What about your troops posted in the environs?”
Megatron: “I have called back the Decepticons from Cybertron, the secret bases and the city.”
Optimus Prime: “Excellent. Today, we’ve been allies and it worked pretty well. Why not forget our differences and work together?”
Megatron: “Don’t get too excited about this Prime. You’re correct when you talk of today. I did what I did only for my own interests and those of the Decepticons. I have ambitions, which I couldn’t allow that kid to tamper with. Be sure you’ll hear from us soon; very soon. Decepticons and allies, retreat!”

Optimus Prime: “Goodbye old buddy. Yet know that if Decepticons come against Nootra again, the Autobots will be there to stop you.”
The Decepticons Soundwave and Astrotrain, together with their allies, Magneto and Apocalypse, followed Megatron and took leave. When the villains were gone, the heroes were left alone on the surface of Agnam. Noah finally had the opportunity to approach Vegeta. Noah was fond of the prince of Saiyans and now that she was standing close to him, nothing could separate her from her hero. She was in high spirits and though aware of Vegeta’s unfriendliness, she ran and fell on him with a hug.
Noah: “Vegeta at last. How I longed to meet you!”

Noah’s temperament embarrassed Vegeta; her affectionate gesture took him completely unawares. It was unusual for anyone to display their affection to him in that manner, and so he rebuked her.
Vegeta: “How impudent! What do you think you’re doing? Get off me.”
Instead of depressing, Noah was quite pleased with Vegeta’s reaction. She was reassured for she expected no other response from the true Vegeta.

Noah: “I knew you would say something like that. This proves you’re my Vegeta and no impostor. You look aggressive on the outside but deep within you is the heart of the prince you are.”
Vegeta: “Who’s this kid Trunks? I think I forbade you from giving information about me to people.”
Trunks: “Dad, this is Noah the Earthling. She and her friends are so keen on us in Nootra. They knew each one of us even before arriving here.”

Vegeta: “I didn’t ask for those details but take her away from me.”
Noah: “This is awesome! It’s Vegeta as I know him.”
No matter how hard he tried, Vegeta couldn’t drive Noah away. During this time, Son Goten took Ryan and Zach to Son Goku who was seated on the ground of Agnam. Emotions were running high as it was the first time these two would talk face-to-face with their hero. Goten introduced them to his father and Zach and Ryan met Son Goku.

Zach: “We’re privileged among the people of Earth to meet you Son Goku. Many love you on our planet.”
Son Goku: “I’m flattered that people from another dimension know me.”
Ryan: “Noah, Alan, Zach and I are happy to be here and to see all of you superheroes. Many would give much for that.”
Goten: “And you’ve given so much Ryan, your faith.”

Son Goku: “Wow! Is it by faith you’re here? I’ve always wanted to meet people who transgress laws restricting them from realizing their full potentials. Child, will you teach me some of your tricks one of these days?”
Ryan: “I’m honoured the champion of the galaxy admires me, a child from Earth. But Son Goku, these are no tricks as you know. I simply believe the Agape and things happen to me and my friends.”

Son Goku: “Don’t say ‘simply’ because faith in the Agape is the most powerful virtue a man possesses. It’s true stories circulate all over the universe about me but if you look carefully, you’ll notice I’m like everybody. I’m just someone who uses the gift he received exhaustively. And you know what child; I love doing what I’m doing, and I’m sure there are people like me on Earth. You and we aren’t different. Everyone just has to identify the area they thrive best and use its produce to save their people. The gift you’ve received Ryan is this faith, which brought you and your friends to this dimension. Only few people have that.”

Goku’s companions had walked to him and they followed what he and the Earthlings were saying. Some didn’t hesitate to comment.
Vegeta: “These Earthlings spend their time looking for people far away. Haven’t they got heroes and villains like we’ve got here in Nootra?”

Son Goku: “Vegeta, it’s a good thing to meet people from around the world. Me, I’d love to meet every single person in the universe. I’ve met billions already yet this is only the first time I meet people from Earth. There are trillions of trillions of people in the world and I want to meet all of them. We can learn a lot from people with different backgrounds. It’ll increase our knowledge and we’ll be able to live our best in the world.”

Vegeta: “There’s nothing any inferior people can teach me. Saiyans are the strongest race that exists. It’s useless meeting other people if they can’t make you stronger.”

Noah: “You’re my favourite among Nootra’s superheroes Vegeta.”
Son Goku: “Did somebody hear the Earthlings call us superheroes or is it just me who’s moved by it? That’s cool, eh? I’ve never come across people outside of this galaxy who appreciate us to the point of calling us like our citizens do - superheroes. It’s true Earth is fond of us.”

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Son Goku walked up to Broly while he lay weakened on the surface of Agnam. On reaching him, he lifted up himself a little above the ground and floated over the fallen warrior. Son Goku addressed his nemesis.

Son Goku: “Broly, you’ve threatened the people for the last time. Nootra doesn’t want the enemy killed but I’m obliged to go against that will today because your very existence is a menace to the galaxy. You’ve threatened us these three times and if it hadn’t been for benevolence, this part of the world would have been wiped out long ago.

‘I don’t know how you attained such a power level, but it’s all over today. How beautiful it would have been if you had used your strength for the good cause! You’ve been endowed with a wonderful wealth of energy, which not even a galaxy can supply. You stand unrivalled, unmatched, unlimited in combat. Yes, you’re the strongest Legendary Super Saiyan the world has ever seen. Saiyans can be proud their race produced such a formidable fighter who stands unsurpassed in the art of combat. Once or twice, I had this pleasant dream of seeing you and me fighting side by side. Broly, you’re a phenomenon and I would lie if I said I never envied you.

‘But the madness of revenge, the poisonous venom, blinded you and you used this fantastic strength for nothing profitable. Instead of helping people with that reserve of energy, you used it for destruction. You’re a king among Saiyans and would have reigned if you had helped a people with your gift. But you wasted your life trying to harm me and my family. I’m sorry but I’ll have to eliminate you for good and you won’t hurt the people I love again.”

When Son Goku finished this farewell speech to Broly, he lifted up his hand, which illuminated from the concentration of energy. When he brought it down again to deal Broly the deathblow, Galactus intervened and swallowed the Legendary Super Saiyan.
Galactus: “I won’t allow you to destroy such limitless energy reserve. Broly will live in me and supply me with the energy of a galaxy.”

Son Goku stared nervously at Galactus, and shouted aggressively.
Son Goku: “You don’t know the power of Broly Galactus. He’ll destroy you someday and come back to threaten the universe. We have to close this chapter permanently.”

Galactus: “I refuse. I helped you and you owe me one, and this is it. You’ll be surprised to see me do more. I spare your friends and break the barrier for my Silver Surfer to cross to his own galaxy. Even my other heralds are free. I don’t need them anymore now that I have a wealth of energy in Broly. I also dissociate myself from Megatron’s goals. You won’t be in my way Goku, dare you?”

Galactus looked straight at Son Goku and Son Goku glared at him in return. While his eyes were on Galactus, Son Goku noticed someone standing in one of Galactus’ eyes. It was Broly in his normal form. He was restored after bathing in the energy flowing within Galactus’ armour. He stood there looking at Son Goku. Then he turned his eyes to the other warriors present on Agnam. Son Goku got ready, thinking a third round of the fight was inevitable.

Surprisingly, when Broly transformed into Legendary Super Saiyan, his eyes produced irises. They were blue like the view of Earth from space, and beautiful like Nootra from Agnam. He said something to Galactus and this one turned around and flew away from the fighters. Galactus and Broly left together to the remotest parts of the galaxy. As they were going, Broly turned to look at Son Goku with those sparkling eyes full of life. Son Goku stood there watching. He didn’t stir as the two drifted away from his sight.

Monday, March 20, 2017


The people released their energy and it went to the object they were liberating it for. After this exercise, the galaxy had to witness the second round of the historic Battle of Agnam. Broly was still savouring his apparent victory when Goku’s body started to revive through the energy he received from the people. He became stronger each second and his sons, Gohan and Goten, assisted him. Son Goku leapt to his feet and the heroes breathed with relief on seeing their champion operational again.

Son Goku: “Thanks for trusting me my friends. I promise I won’t disappoint you. I’m casting out Broly for good this time.”
Son Goku was fully replenished when he stood up a second time as the champion of his people. Due to the dense concentration of energy flowing in him, he instantly changed into Super Saiyan 4. He was bigger and stronger; his hair was pure black and longer than it used to be in his normal form. His upper outfit changed into red while the lower turned golden. A red shadow trim was around his golden eyes and over his eyelids. His aura was fire-like, gleaming with sparkles. And Son Goku glittered like a supernova.

Although he was altogether glamorous, Son Goku recognized that his radiance wasn’t of his own merits. He owed it to all beings in Nootra, Agnam, Cybertron and their environs. That indescribable energy came from the people, animals, plants, objects and elements of the galaxy. It was because they unanimously responded to one call that Son Goku was in possession of such mighty force. This was the love of the universe and its will to absolutely triumph over evil. And that was what determined the outcome of the Battle of Agnam.

Strengthened by the energy he received from companions, citizens and allies, Son Goku was ready for the second round of his combat against the redoubtable Broly. It was a fearsome fight. Son Goku had transformed into the various stages of Saiyan power transformation until he attained Level 4. On the other hand, his rival was the Legendary Super Saiyan who appeared once in a thousand years and whose powers surpassed all modes of Saiyan power transformations.

That millennium in Galaxy Brave of Dimension 2C519 where Ryan, Noah, Zach and Alan ventured, Broly was in possession of the legendary Saiyan power. Yet though he was mighty, though his energy was limitless, though his strength was unrivalled, though his power was immeasurable, although Broly was Legendary Super Saiyan, strongest man of his epoch, the will of the people acting on Son Goku prevailed over him.

After exchanging blows with Broly for some time, Son Goku resorted to using his lethal technique, the Genki Dama. The Genki Dama consisted of concentrating the weight of the energy of the galaxy in a single sphere and using it against the enemy. Son Goku started by creating a small energy wave in which he inflated all the energy he received. As he saturated the wave with power, it expanded and enlarged until it took the size of an asteroid. The sphere was formed and it shone like a cluster of a thousand stars through the dense concentration of energy.

Broly saw what was preparing and tried to stop Son Goku. He rushed straight on, intending to smite him yet before touching him, Son Goku used the Instant Movement to disappear with the sphere. Son Goku materialized on another spot and continued displacing himself as such, disappearing and appearing from place to place until he amassed the necessary amount of energy to form the sphere.

Broly subsequently got insight into his movements and tracked him in his displacements. He unexpectedly appeared before the Nootran and landed endless punches on his body. Son Goku remained indifferent to his blows, as if they didn’t affect him. This passivity of his adversary left Broly wondering. He reverted to creating several energy waves, which he shot at Goku. These attacks were however precipitated and not weighty enough to deal a scratch on the hero. It appeared Goku was covered with Vibranium for no attack seemed to disturb him.

When the sphere reached its utmost form, Son Goku made sure his companions and allies were under cover. Then he threw the globe at Broly. He subsequently formed another energy wave with the Kamehameha and used it to push the sphere towards Broly. Broly saw the mass coming and took to flight. But Goku controlled the sphere with the Kamehameha and so kept Broly targeted. Broly passed at full speed through the many little spatial bodies surrounding Cybertron and Son Goku followed him with the same velocity.

A change of attitude abruptly occurred in Broly. He acknowledged himself as the strongest man of the galaxy and so he never ran away from battle. Thinking nobody could rival him and that the energy of the galaxy was nothing compared to Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly stopped and turned around to face his adversary. He created an energy field with the capacity to shield him against frontal attacks. It was the same shield he raised when he was a baby, which saved him and his father when they were thrown overboard. In this confidence, Broly stood his ground and took the Genki Dama head-on.

Son Goku’s sphere, with its magnitude of energy, hit Broly right on target. It exploded on him and pushed him from space to the ground of Agnam. The continuous blast breached the energy shield and the avalanche struck the body of the proud warrior. Broly was severely blasted by the weight of the energy of the galaxy until he lost all his powers. The sphere subsided after being completely emptied of its energy. A weakened Broly emerged in the aftermath of this spectacular offensive with no power left to carry his body. When he collapsed on the surface of Agnam, that was the fall of the mighty.

As Broly lay enfeebled on the surface of Agnam, Goku’s countenance changed to impassivity. He turned glacial and wore an expressionless visage. His pupils disappeared and his eyes went all white. Debris of rocks revolved all over his body as he descended to the surface of Agnam. He moved towards Broly to exterminate him. When his companions perceived what was on his mind, they could only hope for their friend.

Piccolo: “I’ve never seen him like this. This is another man and not the Goku I know.”
Tenshinhan: “If he does it, he’ll regret it. And I can’t tell the remorse he’ll live with his whole life.”
Vegeta: “His look resembles mine years ago. I never thought that benevolent heart could be darkened as I see it now.”
Magneto: “If he kills Broly, that will be the end of Goku the Nootran. He’ll turn into the dark side.”
Storm: “Are there only these two extremes: eliminate or be eliminated?”

Apocalypse: “You worry too much Nootrans. If he turns evil, I’ll gladly recruit him. Being a villain isn’t as bad as you may think.”
Megatron: “Allow the kid to finish the job. Or does anyone know how to stop Broly without unaliving him?”
Wolverine: “I totally agree with you for once bob.”

Cyclops: “Spider-Man says with great powers come great responsibilities. Let Goku do what he thinks is best.”
Optimus Prime: “We have to trust him people. He’s our champion.”
J’onn J’onzz (through receiver): “We’ve entrusted our powers and the fate of our galaxy to him. When someone has such responsibilities, he alone can see through what the rest can’t see and make the best judgement of the situation. Let’s believe he’s doing the right thing.”

Superman (through receiver): “I was in the same position once and I understand the gravity. I must confess I’m glad I didn’t do it. Now it isn’t me. Goku, we’re with you whatever you decide to do.”
Captain Nootra (through receiver): “Son Goku, I endorse whatever choice you make and I assume full responsibility for any action you take. Only, may the Agape help us all on this one.”

Son Goku walked up to Broly while he lay weakened on the surface of Agnam. On reaching him, he lifted up himself a little above the ground and floated over the fallen warrior. Son Goku addressed his nemesis.

Monday, March 6, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: WIN AS ONE III: Captain Nootra took the left hand of Cesare and Yann took his right. Benjamin, Eric, Ach, Voltz and those around followed; and holding each ...

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: WIN AS ONE II: It was in a different mood that other citizens and heroes performed the hands-holding exercise. Human Torch: “I’m so unlucky. Why should t...

Monday, February 20, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: 16. WIN AS ONE: It was a historic moment for Galaxy of the Brave. On Agnam was the formation of a first-time alliance involving Nootra, city of superheroes,...

Sunday, February 12, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: ENEMIES TURN ALLIES III: The Autobot Optimus Prime and the Decepticon Megatron, in an audible manner, addressed the people present on Agnam at that moment of destiny...

Monday, February 6, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: ENEMIES TURN ALLIES II: Silver Surfer and Galactus also cut short their fight. Galactus particularly marvelled at the devastating power of Broly and he feared for h...

Monday, January 30, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: 15. ENEMIES TURN ALLIES: The Decepticons and their allies attacked Cybertron, a planet under Nootra’s protection. NSF subsequently undertook a mission to end Megatro...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: SON GOKU RETURNS IV: Trunks was right for no sooner had he spoken than the last of Megatron’s allies showed his face on Agnam. Apocalypse, the ancient mutant, s...

Monday, January 9, 2017


ANOTHER DIMENSION: SON GOKU RETURNS II: At the sound of the voice of Son Goku, Broly’s appearance changed. The calm posture he had taken when Megatron put the crystal around his ne...